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How to communicate with the community and seek professional help for gambling problems

Gabriela Štiková

Gabriela Štiková

How to communicate with the community and seek professional help for gambling problems

Problem gambling can have a significant impact on an individual's life and the lives of those around them. Acknowledging the problem and seeking professional help is an important first step on your road to recovery.

However, communicating this step to loved ones can be challenging, even though it is an important part of the treatment process. This article will give you tips on how to inform those around you of your decision and how to prepare for their reactions.

First, start by preparing to communicate. It is important to prepare yourself before telling your loved ones about your decision to seek professional help. The following areas for reflection may help you to do this:

  • Understanding the problem: Make sure you fully understand the nature of your gambling problem and the reasons why you have decided to seek help. You can refer to the previous article on When and why to seek professional help: Counselling for those facing gambling problems

  • Work with your emotions: be prepared for the fact that communicating your situation may trigger strong emotions in both you and those close to you. Work on your emotions and find ways to stay calm and focused.

  • Goal setting: Write down a clear definition for yourself of what you expect from the message. This will allow you to maintain direction in the conversation and be constructive.

The second stage is to prepare the content of the message. Again, we have some points to help you think about and prepare the content of the message.

  • Openness and honesty: Be honest about your issue and how it affects you and those around you.

  • Your choices for treatment: Explain why you have decided to seek professional help and what steps you plan to take.

  • Express gratitude for any support your community can offer you.

  • Expectations from loved ones: If you have specific wishes about how your loved ones can help you or how they should treat you, now is a good time to say so.

Another important aspect is the timing of the communication. The timing of when you decide to inform your loved ones is crucial. Choose a time when you have enough time and privacy for an open and calm conversation. Avoid times when people are stressed or tired.

Those around you may react to the message in different ways. Prepare for a range of reactions from support to misunderstanding. The important thing is to remain calm and patient. If you encounter negative reactions, try to explain the reasons for your decision and how helping them can benefit not only you but also your relationship with them.

Communicating your decision to seek professional mental health help for your gambling problem is a courageous step. With preparation, honesty and patience, you can convey this important message to those around you and get the support you need on your road to recovery.